Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2016 Asia Pacific

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  More than 400 participants from FMCG, Hi-tech, Retail, 3PL, E-merce, Manufacturg, Chemical and Pharmacy dustries, gathered on December 1st-2nd, 2016 at the PARKROYAL on Pickerg Hotel Sgapore to discuss, learn and share sustaable ideas and solutions ith the theme of Transformation the ne era, hich highly focus on sharg best practices that can be applied by local munities, regions and busesses to enhance your supply cha strategy for profitable groth and petitive advantage.

  The event as anized by the ACE Events Limited, partnership ith Malaysia Institute for Supply Cha Innovation(MISI), Hong Kong Logistics Association(HKLA), Asia Pacific Logistics Federation(APLF) and European Institute of Purchasg Management (EIPM)。 Attendees came from a range of backgrounds – 40% from the Supply Cha Procurement/ Purchasg sector, 20% from Operation/Manufacturg, 20% from Logistics/ Distribution, 10% from IT Management, and others from a variety of fields.

  The event brought together leaders from ABB, SAP, SAP Ariba, Sealed Air, Schneider Electric, Nokia, Lloyd’s Register, SEEBURGER, Infor, Anaplan, Honeyell, DSI, officers from multilateral agencies such as International Fance Corporation, Standard Chartered and -the-field novators to connect, share sights and opportunities and develop ne partnerships. As one facilitator put it, “I have never been at an event here people ere so desperate to talk ith each other.”

Craig Ralgs, Partner, KPMG

  The morng began ith a ele from Craig Ralgs, Partner of KPMG, then set out the event’s goals brgg people together to develop ne technologies and approaches to get ready for the upg challenges of Supply Cha.

Fabrice Thomas, Vice President, Head of Supply Management, ABB Robotics

  Mr. Thomas as talkg about the Supply Cha Transformation: Disruption as an Enabler for Supply Cha Transformation ith his extraordary experience Cha.

Damien Dhellemmes, Senior Vice President East-Asia Japan Pacific Global Supply Cha, Schneider Electric

  Tailored Supply Cha Transformation Case Study from Schneider Electric, hich Has a Very Large -sourced Supply Cha ith Other 100 Distribution Centers and 200 Factories Worldide and Schneider Electric Has Embarked on a Journey to Transform its Supply Cha and Leverage it for Groth and Higher Customers' Satisfaction

Graham Conlon, Global Vice President, Extended Supply Cha, SAP

  Mr. Conlon’s presentation as highly focus on the Digitization hich may reventg the orld economy. With Cloud, IoT, Big Data and Mobility transformg the ay e live and ork, ho busess runs, and ho society functions, panies must create and capture these opportunities by usg a digital supply cha that is more connected, telligent, and predictive.

Panel Discussion: Perspective on Supply Chas Transformation--Buildg a better Supply Cha Together(From left to Right)
Ashish Pujari, General Manager, Extended Supply Cha, SAP Asia Pacific & Japan
Johannes Giloth, Senior Vice President Global Operations, Nokia
Sarat Mohanty, Head, Implementation & Client Management Transaction Bankg, Standard Chartered
Håkan Nilsson, Head of Ericsson Distribution Centre APAC, Ericsson
Sandeep Anand, Head Supply of Distribution, Logistics & Demand Planng India, Del Monte

Bede Callaghan, Manager Enterprises Systems, Bis Industries

  Ho Bis Industries Deployed an App that Automates the Asset Inspection Process, Savg the Company a Significant Amount of Time Gettg Equipment back on Hire.

Danny Tan, Global Product Specialist for Supply Cha Security, Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance

  Combatg Cyber Security Risks Supply Cha-Perspective from Information and Cyber Security Management Systems from Lloyd’s Register, discussg the Importance of terplay beteen various busesses and governmental parties and establishg effective formation and cyber security controls for parallels and terdependencies

Cocktail Party

Bill L, Supply Cha & Operations BPA Deputy Lead Greater Cha, Aenture Consultg

  The second morng began ith the address of Bill L from Aenture Consultg actg as Supply Cha & Operations BPA Deputy Lead Greater Cha.

Holger Fiederlg, Vice President of Busess Development, SEEBURGER AG

  The presentation of Mr. Fiederlg is Movg toards the "Real-Time Company"–Supply Cha Data Available Real-time and Everyhere; Digital Technologies offer the Chance for ne Sales Concepts, the expectation Speed and Volume crease exponentially; B2B/EDI, EAI and MFT are the Basis for all plex busess processes; Early planng of Busess Integration of all volved Systems is essential and SEEBURGER Busess Integration Suite.

Panel Discussion: Drivg Organization to a Competitive Level (From Right to Left)
Bernard Gracia, Dean & Director, European Institute of Purchasg Management (EIPM)
Mohit Wadhaan, Director, Customer Service & Logistics, South East Asia, Mondelēz International
Fausty David, Head of Global Demand Management, AICC
Michael Koh, Head of Procurement, Asia Pacific, T-SYSTEMS
Cas Brentjens, Director of Solutions Consultg for Asia Pacific & Japan, Infor

Roxane Desmicht, Senior Director Corporate Supply Cha Asia Pacific, Infeon

  Technology as Foundation for Supply Cha Transformation, The High Tech dustry: a catalyst for change, Key technologies e see and our 3 terms of probability and impact; Supply cha evolution and hy do e need to act on trends; A glimpse to the supply cha of the future

Panel Discussion: Technology Innovations and Impact on Supply Cha Tomorro (From Left to Right)
Jaya-Moorthi Pillai, Vice President, Global Supply Cha, East Asia Japan Logistics, Schneider Electric
Kaushal Dave, Global Head of Supply Cha Solutions, Anaplan
Roxane Desmicht, Senior Director Corporate Supply Cha Asia Pacific, Infeon
Sanjay Desai, Director Supply Cha, APAC, Transitiong out of Huntsman

  At the end of the day, participants reconvened for a closg plenary to report back on the solutions discussed Technology Innovations and Impact on Supply Cha Tomorro.

  At this pot, Supply Cha Innovation Summit 2016-Asia Pacific suessfully concluded, the participatg experts and scholars and busess representatives on the summit spoke highly of hope that this summit ill be held to further promote the close cooperation beteen the orld's leadg brands and solution providers.

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