Number 10 2004
第10号证据 2004年
In 2004 scientists examed areas of the sky, which had previously emitted mysterious radio signals.
Only one had gotten stronger, and could perhaps be telligent life tryg to contact others.
Number 09 2001
第9号证据 2001年
In 2001, further calculations of the 1960s "Drake theory" suggested that there are hundreds of thousands of plas our galaxy that have the conditions to support life.
Number 08 2001
第8号证据 2001年
2001 studies suggested that the red tge of Jupiter's moon Europa could be a result of feozen bacteria, also explag the frared signal it emits.
Number 07 2003
第7号证据 2003年
In 2003, Sulphur traces on Jupiter's moon Europa suggested alien life, and a volcanically warmed ocean below the moon's surface which was supportg it.
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